We’re so glad you are thinking of worshiping with us. Whether this is your first time in an Episcopal church, or you’ve been speaking the language of the Book of Common Prayer since childhood, we welcome you. When you arrive, we hope you’ll talk with an usher or a member of the clergy, and sign our guest book so we can be in touch. We also invite you to join us for refreshments after each service.
Here’s some information that may make it easier for you to get to know us. Other important information is on the pages listed under Trinity Quick Links.
How we worship:
- The Episcopal Church is a liturgical church, which means our worship is the “work of the people.” Lay people as well as ordained take roles in our services. We follow ancient rites that the church has adopted and adapted for contemporary use in theBook of Common Prayer and its supplement Enriching our Worship. We use the form of the Holy Eucharist known as Rite II, which uses more contemporary and ecumenical language. We usually print the entire service in the bulletin for ease in following the liturgy. Most of our music is found in The Hymnal 1982, another hymnal called Wonder, Love, and Praise (WLP), and a third called Lift Every Voice and Sing II (LEVAS II). Occasionally we use other music, which is provided as an insert in the bulletin. If any part of our liturgy seems unfamiliar, please ask a neighbor and we’ll be happy to help you follow the service.
- The Episcopal Church is also a sacramental church, and our principal act of worship on Sunday is theHoly Eucharist (sometimes called Holy Communion or The Lord’s Supper in other Christian churches). We celebrate the Holy Eucharist every Sunday. The term “Communion” also refers to the act of receiving the bread and wine at the Eucharist. All are welcome in our liturgies. If you prefer not to receive Communion, simply remain in your seat, or come forward with those receiving Communion, cross your arms over your chest, and the priest will offer you a blessing.
- We are an inclusive church, with no barriers to membership or leadership based on gender, race or sexual orientation. Please see our rector or alay leader if you are interested in participating in a ministry or serving as a reader, Eucharistic minister, acolyte, usher, altar guild member, singing in the choir, serving on a parish committee, or initiating a new ministry.
- Morning and Evening Prayer are occasionally said or sung at Trinity. They are a part of theDaily Office, a form of prayer that comes from the monastic tradition of praying the psalms and hearing scripture at different hours of the day. Morning and Evening Prayer is said all over the world. Laypersons often lead these services.
Children in the service
Children are welcome at all services. During the Program Year most families with children attend the 10:30 service; in the summertime we encourage everyone to be together at the 9:30 service. We encourage children to participate in the liturgy by becoming acolytes and readers, offering musical gifts, or helping the ushers and altar guild; older young people may also serve as Eucharistic Ministers. Most pre-school and school age children participate in Sunday school during the first part of the 10:30 service. They rejoin their families when we exchange the Peace, in the middle of the service, so they can receive Communion.
Comfortable nursery space is provided for parents with very young children who may need a break from the service.
Restrooms, accessibility, and the community room
We have handicap accessible bathrooms located off in the hallway leading to the church sanctuary from the rear parking lot. There are also accessible bathrooms on the second floor, which may be reached via an elevator.
While our church sanctuary is accessible, the altar area is reached by stairs. We will bring Communion to the base of the steps or to congregants at their seats as needed. Just let an usher know you wish to receive in this way.
Gluten free hosts are available at Communion. Let an usher or the clergyperson know of your need.
Refreshments and intergenerational activities take place in the McLure Community Room. This is the large room to the left as you enter our building from the parking lot. Sunday School for children is upstairs from the Community Room.
Many Sundays of the Program Year we have adult formation and learning programs in the time between the 8:00 and 10:30 services. These usually run from 9:30 to 10:15, and are held in the McLure Room.