Baptism is one of the two great sacraments of the Christian church (the other being the Holy Eucharist). By Baptism, we become part of the Christian community, and are empowered to be Christ’s ministers in the world. In our Baptismal Covenant we take on promises and vows to help God do God’s work in the world. Parents and godparents (sponsors)take on the The Baptismal Covenant for children who are too young to do so for themselves. A period of preparation including pre-Baptismal instruction is normally undertaken prior to Baptism. For more information on how to prepare your child or yourself for Baptism, please contact the clergy through the parish office.

Confirmation is the sacramental rite by which baptized Christians take on for themselves promises and vows of Baptism that were taken on for them by parents and sponsors. It is an affirmation of the Baptismal Covenant and a mature dedication of oneself to God’s work in the church. The Bishop confirms those who have completed a program of preparation for Confirmation, and decided to make this mature commitment to Christian life and ministry.
For more information on how to prepare your child or yourself Confirmation, please contact the clergy through the parish office.

Congratulations on your pending nuptials! We’re glad you are considering Trinity for your Christian wedding. Pre-marital instruction is required in the Episcopal Church. Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting with the Rev. Dr. Frederick Moser to inquire about a wedding at Trinity.

If you are looking for a church to hold a funeral for a loved one please accept our sincerest sympathy for your loss. Please contact the church office to make arrangements for your service.