There are many ways to serve at Trinity from assisting with Sunday Worship to planning events and taking care of our buildings and grounds. Where are you being called to serve here at Trinity?

Liturgical Ministers
Liturgical Ministers serve at services of worship as crucifers, acolytes, lectors (readers of Scriptural passages), intercessors (compose and/or lead the Prayers of the People), Eucharistic Ministers (serve the chalice at Communion), and may assist the Presider with other aspects of our services. Liturgical Ministers may sometimes lead prayer services in the absence of an ordained person. Liturgical Ministers meet quarterly with the clergy and representatives of the various groups involved in our worship to help plan for upcoming services. If any of these sounds like a ministry to which you are called, pleasecontact the Rector for more information
Adult choir
The Trinity choir supports the congregation in singing.
Adult choir rehearsal times:
We are flexible with when members are able to rehearse. Members are expected to be at rehearsal at least every other week, and to be ready to warm up and rehearse each Sunday’s music at 9:15 am.
7:00 pm: first and fourth Wednesdays of the month
9:30 am: second Saturday of the month
10 am: third Saturday of the month
9:15 am: every Sunday
For more information about choir, or if you have musical gifts to offer at special services, please contact the the church office.
Children’s music
A children’s choir meets occasionally to practice singing and prepare anthems.
For more information about children’s music, or if you have musical gifts to offer, please contact Church Musician Anna Brom.
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers and greeters offer a warm welcome to new Trinity friends and those who have been members for a long time. If you’re new to Trinity, ask the person who greets you at the door of the church for information about us. They can provide you with service materials, give directions to restrooms, and answer other types of questions about how we worship at Trinity. Ushers also collect an offering and help the congregation to the altar for Communion.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild cares for the vessels and linens used during worship. They also set up and clean up before and after the Holy Eucharist. This requires a few hours a month, and mostly involves washing dishes and doing a small bit of laundry. Depending on the service time, the set-up and/or clean-up can be done on a weekday if needed, making this a flexible time commitment.
Teams are encouraged to do this together, and it can be a good way for older children and teens to learn more about the sacred vessels and why we set the holy table the way that we do. Experienced guild members are available to train and support new members.
Current Leader: Paulette Hammond
Teams of two count the weekly offering and take the deposit to the bank. This is a ministry that cares for the money that is generously offered to support the ministry of the church.

Eucharistic Visitors
Our Eucharistic Visiting Team, which includes Eucharistic Visitors, Eucharistic Partners and one clergy chaplain, provide Sunday afternoon services once a month at several local assisted living facilities.
Eucharistic Visitors are ministers licensed by the bishop to carry the Sacrament to those who are unable to come to church. They use a brief prayer service with a reading from the gospel and comment on the sermon to help the congregation connect to what happened at the main service at Trinity.
Eucharistic Partners assist the Visitors in set up and in providing a welcoming presence to the congregation at each site. They may also serve the chalice if they are licensed to do so.
Our Eucharistic Partners serve in the same location each time. The Eucharistic Visitors rotate among all three, while continuing to bring Communion to our individual home-bound parishioners on a less frequent basis.
Current Leader: Jenny Ockert
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for welcoming visitors and new members, organizing parish-wide events, and other ministries that help us be more hospitable to each other.
If any of these activities appeals to your sense of what God calls you to do at Trinity, please join us!
Pastoral Care
If you have pastoral care needs, please contact the church office at (802) 985-2269 or email Rev. Fred Moser.
The Stewardship Committee coordinates a variety of stewardship awareness activities, including the annual pledge campaign. It also fosters Christian stewardship in all aspects of our common life. For more information on this group, contact the church office.
The vestry, at Trinity as in Episcopal churches throughout our diocese, is the elected governing body of the parish. Its president is the rector. Vestry meetings occur once a month, and are open to members of the parish. The meeting times are listed on the calendar.
Members of the vestry represent the parish, and are charged with knowing the concerns of our church community. The meetings involve discussion of parish concerns related to: finances, property assets of the church, programs, and general oversight of the workings of our church community. Participation in this governing body is encouraged, and anyone seeking more information or wishing to serve on the vestry may speak with a current vestry member or church staff.
Buildings and Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds Committee oversees volunteer and contract support for the maintenance of our historic buildings and grounds. For information on joining this group, contact the Junior Warden.

Memorial Garden
As one follows the driveway past the bell tower at Trinity Church, visitors are welcome to stop at the sign announcing the Meditation and Memorial Garden. Just follow the path along the red brick walkway bordered by memorial stones into an intimate cloistered area which invites a peaceful respite.
The garden is maintained by a group of volunteers who care for the plants and manage its endowment.